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Facilities Department


Maintenance and Custodial

Our Facilities Department provides leadership and oversight for all facility needs, which includes, planning, new construction, upgrades, cleaning, and building use events.

Building Use

To request building use, please click here to create an account and submit a form. We have gone paperless and will no longer be accepting paper request forms for building usage. Please click here for instructions on setting up an account in ML Schedules, the new online scheduling program.

Please note; all requests need to be made at least two weeks prior to your requested use date per Board of Education policy.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding our facilities department, please feel free to contact Director of Facilities Christopher Cook at (518) 882-1033 ext. 3234.

Annual Notification of the Asbestos Management Plan
In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987 (40 CFR Part 763), the Galway CSD is required to give annual notification stating that the Asbestos Management Plan for each building is available for review during normal business hours in the LEA Asbestos Designee’s office.

Six-month periodic asbestos surveillances as well as a triennial inspection are required in pursuant of AHERA. The triennial inspection will be completed by July 2024, and a six-month surveillance is conducted every June and December. The recently approved Capital Improvement Project will entail some asbestos abatement. This process will be conducted over the next few years. Whenever asbestos abatement is performed, all work is conducted according to all applicable local, state and federal regulations.

For more information, please contact the LEA Asbestos Designee Jonathan Taggart at 518-882-1033 ext. 3234.

Fire Inspection Completed
The annual fire inspection was conducted in January 2023, and the required reports were submitted to the New York State Education Department. For questions please contact 518-882-1033 ext. 3234.

Pesticide Notification
The Galway CSD may use pesticide products periodically throughout the year.
The Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law requires school districts to maintain a list of staff and persons in a parental relation who wish to receive 48-hour written notice prior to the application of pesticides. Written notifications will include the date, locations and product used for each application.

For further information or to be placed on the school specific 48-hour notification list, please contact Christopher Cook, Director of Facilities, at 518-882-1033 ext. 3234.

Water Testing Results
In accordance with the law, the district will conduct water testing at all buildings with the assistance of a state-approved laboratory. In accordance with the law, if the lead level from a water outlet exceeds the state’s action level of 15 parts per billion, the district will take immediate action. The state’s regulations require that all such outlets be taken offline, or otherwise restricted until a remediation plan is implemented, and further testing indicates that lead levels are below the action level.

Galway CSD Water Sample Results 2020.2021 Compliance Period

Capital Improvement Projects

  • 2023 Proposed Capital Project

    Proposed Capital Improvement Project 2023

    Public Vote on December 12, 2023 from 2-8 p.m.
    in the High School Gym

    Click here for the Capital Project newsletter

    Click here for the Reminder to Vote postcard

    Stakeholders of Galway Central School District have been planning a capital project that will address facility needs that were not included in the 2016 Capital Project. Project elements are based on the Building Condition Survey that school districts are required by NYS to perform every five years, which include the following five priorities:

    1. Safety, Security, and ADA Compliance

    • A Secure Junior/Senior High School Entrance
      The project will create a secure entrance at the Junior/Senior High School that mimics the Joseph Henry Elementary School entrance.
    • Safer Deliveries
      The dumpsters near the loading dock that are currently in the pathway between the Junior/Senior High School and the recreation area will be relocated.
    • Safer Overflow Parking and Crossing
      The parcels of land that residents authorized the district to purchase in May 2023 will be made into two new lots for overflow parking for school events. The district will work with NYS to provide additional crosswalks on Sacandaga Road.
    • Improve Accessibility
      The project will add a handicap-accessible ramp and walkway to the tennis courts and student parking. It will also provide a ramp and ADA access to the relocated trash dumpsters.

    2. Educational Programming

    • STEM Innovative Spaces
      Currently our Junior/Senior High School technology classroom can only accommodate the design portion of the curriculum. The project will include an addition to the back of the existing classroom, which will provide space for students to design and build their ideas and solutions.

    The Elementary building does not have a dedicated science space. The proposed project will transform an existing classroom into a STEM lab that will include interactive lab stations and robotics. This will allow for innovation, collaboration, and project-based cross-curricular learning opportunities.

    • Business and Agriculture Suite
      The Business classroom will be relocated next to the Agriculture room to allow for cross-curricular, real-life, business and agriculture activities. The space will include a greenhouse that will feature a storefront/farm stand that will be open to the community.

    3. Aging Infrastructure

    The project will replace boilers at the bus garage and elementary school that have reached the end of their useful lives. There are also several items that were included in past projects that have not been completed due to cost escalation:

    • Bus Garage
    • Reconstruct pavement
    • Relocate and replace underground fuel tanks with aboveground tanks
    • Replace oil/water separator
    • Relocate and replace underground fuel tanks
    • Restroom renovations

    4. Health and Wellness

    The proposed capital project will enhance health and wellness opportunities for students and the community by reconfiguring and expanding the High School gymnasium, locker room, and adjacent spaces.

    The current gym, although regulation size, is too small. The current area between the boundary line of the basketball court and bleachers is only 15 inches, which results in most spectators’ feet touching the line. The proposed project will expand the gym to two full-size basketball/volleyball courts and give each locker room a Team Room.

    The wrestling room will be relocated upstairs, and the current weight room will be re-imaged as a seminar room by day and community room by night.

    A Fitness Room located in the front of the school will allow for easy community access.

    The expanded gymnasium will also include an indoor walking track and a new concession counter.

    5. Athletics

    The proposed project will reconstruct the outdoor track, replace scoreboards for soccer and softball, and pave the parking lot near the track.

    Residents Will Vote on Two Propositions

    Residents will vote on the proposed project in two propositions.

    Proposition #1 – $34.7 million
    Will include items relating to priorities:

    1. Safety, security, and ADA compliance
    2. Educational programming
    3. Aging infrastructure
    4. Health and wellness

    Proposition #2 – $3.3 million
    Will include items relating to:

    • Outdoor athletics
    • Relocation of the wrestling room upstairs
    • Restroom renovations

    Financial Information

    The district will finance the proposed 2023 Capital Project using capital reserve funds, NYS Aid, and local tax dollars.

    • The district will use $1.71 million from the Capital Reserve Funds to offset the local share of the project
    • NYS Aid - 78.7% of the cost of allowable expenditures will be paid to the district in subsequent years in the form of revenue in NYS Building Aid
    • Local tax share 2026-2035
    • Proposition #1 – Estimated average local share is $1,148,912/year
    • Proposition #2 – Estimated average local share is $163,607/year

    The project will be financed for 15 years. The first ten years of the average tax impact are projected above. It is difficult to provide an estimate beyond the ten years as the district has debt falling off and may have new debt added.

    To estimate your tax impact, divide your Taxable Value by 1,000 then multiply by the rate for your municipality (see the table below).

    How Do I Find the Taxable Value of My Home?

    It is important to note that the Taxable Value of your home is different from a “Zestimate” that you might find on Zillow. It is also different from Full Market Value. It is typically lower.

    To find the Taxable Value of your home, “search your tax” bill by using the Quick Link on the homepage of the Galway CSD website. In case the form doesn’t populate, the district code is 212.

    Once you access your tax bill, look under the “Property Information” section. There you will see the Full Market Value, Assessed Value, and Taxable Value, which takes into consideration the equalization rate of the municipality in which you live.

    Example of a school tax bill:

    Example of School Tax Bill

    For assistance, please click the following link to a Google Spreadsheet that you can personalize with your Taxable Value and municipality: Tax Impact Estimator

    In the example above, the tax impact for the home in Galway for Proposition 1 would be $22.65/month, and Proposition 2 would be $3.23/month.

    Tax Impact

    Municipality Proposition #1 Proposition #2
    Rate per $1,000 taxable value Rate per $1,000 taxable value
    Amsterdam $16.43 $2.34
    Broadalbin $2.07 $0.30
    Charlton $2.09 $0.30
    Galway $1.46 $0.21
    Glenville $1.75 $0.25
    Milton $1.72 $0.25
    Perth $3.19 $0.45
    Providence $1.70 $0.24


    *These tax rates are for the proposed capital project only and do not include current taxes.
    *These tax rates are estimates based on State Aid approval assumptions and current interest rates.

    On the Ballot

    Shall the Board of Education of the Galway Central School District be authorized to: (1) construct additions to, reconstruct and improve School District buildings, facilities and sites, acquire original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required for the purpose for which such buildings, facilities and sites are to be used and pay costs incidental thereto, at a maximum aggregate cost of $34,734,934; (2) expend such sum for such purpose, including the expenditure of $1,710,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund; (3) levy the necessary tax therefore, taking into account State aid and the amount to be expended from the Capital Reserve Fund, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education; and (4) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds and notes of the District at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $33,024,934, and levy a tax to pay the interest on said obligations when due?

    If proposition #1 is approved by the voters, shall the Board of Education of the Galway Central School District be authorized to: (1) reconstruct and improve School District buildings, facilities and sites, acquire original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required for the purpose for which such buildings, facilities and sites are to be used and pay costs incidental thereto, at a maximum aggregate cost of $3,303,480; (2) expend such sum for such purpose; (3) levy the necessary tax therefore, taking into account State aid, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education; and (4) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds and notes of the District at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $3,303,480, and levy a tax to pay the interest on said obligations when due?

    Public Information Meetings

    Residents are invited to learn more about the proposed Capital Improvement Project at the following public presentations:

    • Monday, October 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium
    • Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium
    • Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Library
    • Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the High School Library

    1. What is the cost-per-pupil at Galway and student: teacher ratio?

    The most recent data available on for Galway Central School District is 2021-22. At that time, the average cost-per-pupil was $20,785, which is lower than the NYS average of $25,870.33. The student: teacher ratio was 9.

    2. Lockdowns in the new spaces - how will students be secured?

    Galway CSD has district-wide and building safety plans to address all scenarios both inside and outside the buildings in order to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies. The district-wide school safety team is charged with the development and maintenance of the district-wide safety plan, which is responsive to the needs of the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the building level. This plan is reviewed annually and made available for public comment 30 days prior to its adoption (typically in August).

    3. How much larger was the original gymnasium design than the current design?

    The addition for the gymnasium and associated spaces including the locker room, fitness center and lobby initially was approx. 21,000sf which has been reduced to approx. 15,700sf.

    4. Will community members be able to use the indoor walking track during the school day? How will students and community members mingle in the fitness center?

    The indoor walking track will be open for community member use during school hours for at least one hour per day/three days per week. Community members will enter through the Fitness Center entrance on the Junior/Senior High School side of the building. We will look at the P.E. schedule to determine what hours the Fitness Center can be used by community members during school hours when it is not in use by students. Students and community members will use the facilities at different times; they will not overlap. Both the indoor walking track and fitness center will be available for community use outside of school hours also.

    5. Some comments from the presentations have drawn a connection between the bus driver shortage and the Capital Project, insinuating that instead of improving the buildings and grounds, the district should focus on staff recruitment.

    Please know that the bus driver shortage and the Capital Project are two separate entities. Galway CSD has been recruiting for bus drivers for years - we have held Job Fairs for two summers in a row, and we are continuously recruiting and posting the position. The bus driver shortage is not just a challenge in Galway – school districts across the region, state, and country are experiencing a shortage of bus drivers.

    The district is in negotiations with CSEA to increase bus driver pay, and we are looking forward to a favorable outcome for all.

    Salaries and benefits for staff are in the regular school-year budget that taxpayers vote for every May. Capital Projects are in a separate budget line. Capital Projects are a benefit to the district’s tax cap formula. They are usually undertaken every five years to help the district maintain a tax levy that is stable and predictable while improving our buildings and grounds.

    The Transportation Department is doing a remarkable job with the resources it has. While neighboring districts tell parents they are unable to transport their children to school on certain days, some Galway bus drivers are making two runs in the morning in order to get students to school. Our Transportation Team is going above and beyond in very stressful circumstances to collaborate in real time with families, bus drivers, and dispatch, to ascertain which students need to be picked up and where. Often this occurs very early in the morning before most people are awake, and they don’t stop until every student is home in the afternoon or evening. Unfortunately, this is the current state of affairs until more individuals choose to become bus drivers. Whether or not the Capital Project passes will have no bearing on the number of bus drivers we have.

    6. Who were the stakeholders who were involved in the planning process?

    At the February 2023 Board of Education meeting, the Facilities Committee began discussing a potential capital improvement project based on the 2020 Building Condition Survey. In the March 2023 district newsletter, Galway community members were invited to participate in the process of developing this potential project.

    Individuals who were involved in the planning process consisted of:

    • Superintendent
    • 3 BOE members
    • Business Administrator
    • Supervisor of Buildings
    • Building Maintenance Mechanic
    • Supervisor of Transportation and Grounds
    • Administrators
    • 3 Teachers
    • 3 Coaches
    • 3 Community Members
    • 3 Community Members/Teachers/Coaches
    • 1 Support Staff

    Facilities Committee Members

    • Brita Donovan, Superintendent
    • Courtney Sayward, Business Administrator
    • Jay Anderson, BOE Member
    • David Page, BOE Member
    • Dennis Schaperjahn, Former BOE Member
    • Michelle Bombard, BOE Member
    • Mike Miller, Jr. Sr. High School Principal
    • Chris Cook, Supervisor of Operations and Maintenance
    • Jon Taggart, Building Maintenance Mechanic
    • Greg Perron, Supervisor of Transportation and Grounds
    • Greg Klokiw, CSArch, Architect
    • Elizabeth Brutsch, CSArch, Architect
    • Eric Roberts, Schoolhouse Construction, Construction Managers
    • Marc Rivers, Schoolhouse Construction, Construction Managers

    7. How did you arrive at the scope of work for this project?

    When the stakeholders took into consideration the recommendations in the 2020 Building Condition Survey, the work that was recommended for the 2016 project but not put out to voters due to cost, the work that was not completed in the 2021 Capital Project due to post-pandemic cost escalation, the capital outlay work that could not be completed due to bids that came in too high, and all the ideas and suggestions from the stakeholders, the project would have cost approximately $63 million.

    The Facilities Committee met every other week to pare down the project because the projected cost was prohibitive. This included a complete design change of the proposed enlarged gymnasium and fitness center, which is significantly smaller than what the stakeholders originally requested and the architects originally proposed. The footprint of the current proposed gymnasium is as small as we can make it.

    8. Is our enrollment growing or declining?

    2023-2024 – 852

    2022-2023 – 814

    2021-2022 – 832

    2020-2021 – 806

    2019-2020 – 837

    2018-2019 – 787

    9. Will our insurance costs increase due to the Fitness Center?

    Our insurance carrier has informed us that the fitness center would not have an impact on the insurance cost.

    10. What kind of glass in on the greenhouse?

    Double paned, insulating, laminated safety glass. The glass will break, but remain in place. When not in use, the classroom door would be secured.

    11. Why do we need a larger gym?

    A larger gymnasium is needed for three reasons: safety, size, and programming.

    First and foremost is safety. There is not sufficient space around the basketball court. High School Court guidelines recommend 10 feet of unobstructed space outside a basketball court for safety; 3 feet is minimum. Our current gym only has 15 inches. Athletes are running into bleachers and spectators. There is not a safe space for our cheerleaders on the sidelines. Additionally, the playing surface gets wet and dangerous due to foot traffic.

    Number two is the size of the gym. The clear height to the underside of the existing structure is too low for volleyball and basketball and interferes with plays. The ceiling requires a 3-foot minimum increase in height to be compliant with volleyball court minimum standards. The current seating capacity is approximately 315. During games, chairs for the athletes are pushed up against the bleachers, which further reduces seating. We have had to ask JV parents of our home team and visitors to leave to accommodate varsity parents. There is no room for a pep band.

    Number three is programming. Our current gym is the correct size for physical education classes for our current student population, however, it is challenging to accommodate all the practices and games for all the sports we offer after school and on weekends, even with the Middle School gym and Elementary gym. Our gyms get a lot of usage! A larger gym will enable all students to participate in all activities at the same time. The proposed plan includes two full-size practice courts that will be side-by-side and a regulation court with safe run-out space. This design will double our capacity for practices, give our boys and girls teams of all sports equal access to practice and compete in that space, accommodate more spectators, and possibly host sectional games/tournaments. From a scheduling perspective, it may also get our student athletes home earlier from practice.

    Our students are engaged in our school and we are starting to see increased interest in sports. More students are trying out for basketball, we have enough wrestlers to have our own team again (we had to merge with Scotia-Glenville for the last two years), and we have enough athletes to score points as a team in cross-country again. As the numbers increase, and excitement is building, space will continue to be an issue that will need to be addressed sooner or later.

    As a matter of fact, a renovation of the gymnasium was proposed in 2009 as part of an EXCEL Capital Project but was rejected by voters. At that time, enlarging the gym would have cost $1.6 million.

    Athletics is a huge part of our culture. We are one of the few districts of our size in our area that fields varsity, JV, and modified teams for baseball and softball. Track had the largest number of students participate in a number of years. They would benefit from the elevated track and fitness room. We’re building a cheerleading program and can host cheerleading events.

    12. Will there be a divider in the new gym?

    Yes, the divider will be in the middle of the space horizontally and separate the two practice courts from the bleachers to the wall adjoining the school.

    13. Will the courts be marked for sports other than basketball and volleyball?

    Yes, the courts will have lines for badminton and pickleball to go along with our P.E. curriculum.

    14. Why do we have 800 seats in the gymnasium?

    The footprint of the proposed gym and the placement of the courts helped determine the number of seats that could be accommodated in a larger space. As part of the planning process, we surveyed similar league and neighboring school gymnasiums (some in-person) to help decide how many seats we should have. The current gym was built in 1964 and opened in April 1965. We are mindful of planning for seating capacity for the next 60 years and beyond.

    15. What is the size of the Fitness Room?

    50 feet X 50 55 feet

    16. How are you going to pay for a person to oversee the Fitness Room?

    The school district posts for the position of Fitness Room Supervisor per the GTA contract. This is an hourly position that is only paid during the hours the fitness center is open.

    17. What happens if the Project does not pass?

    As infrastructure deteriorates and breaks down, repairs would be made using funds from the annual budget. The money would either be taken from another area of the budget, or the work would not get done.

    18. Why is athletics so important to a school district?

    From college readiness to health and wellness, here are three reasons why athletics is important to a school district. First, participation in athletics accelerates college readiness. Whether a student participates in a team sport like volleyball or soccer or an individual sport like golf, an athletic program fosters the development of integral problem-solving, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills that will help students in college and throughout their personal lives. Student-athletes develop leadership skills as they grow to understand that other people depend on them. They learn self-discipline as they grow to understand their choices have consequences. Ask any varsity athlete, and they’ll tell you the consequences of missing a practice or showing up late. This lesson in accountability is invaluable and will help your child succeed later in life as they enter the job force. Our student-athletes are accepted at universities including Harvard and military academies such as the Air Force Academy and West Point.

    Participation in athletics also enhances academic performance. Student-athletes develop intrinsic motivation and strong work ethics that enhance academic performance in the classroom. Research indicates that students who participate in athletics receive higher grades, better test scores, and higher educational achievements. Through athletic participation, student athletes learn the importance of preparation and practice. Unwavering dedication to their craft is the difference between home runs and base hits, starting on the field or coming in off the bench. Student-athletes often see their efforts translate into better athletic performance. And this relationship between performance and practice transfers into the classroom. From their experience as student-athletes, our students will approach tests the same way they approach an important playoff game: with focus, preparation, and practice. As proof of increased academic performance due to athletic involvement, Galway Junior/Senior High School has been a NYSPHSAA SCHOOL OF DISTINCTION for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 (one of only four schools in Section 2 to claim this achievement). This award is based on the grade point average of all of the student athletes in every sport. The district also has a robust Academic Eligibility Policy which is outlined in our Student Handbook.

    Lastly, participation in athletics improves health and wellness, which is a core value of our district. Participation in athletics helps create a strong foundation for fitness habits that last beyond graduation. When active lifestyle values are emphasized at an early age, students will likely continue to exercise and adopt healthy habits as they grow. Athletics provide students with regular exercise, which lowers blood pressure and stress levels and increases self-esteem. Physically active children have a reduced risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

    19. How did you pare down the proposed gymnasium?

    The original plan (that the public did not see) had a larger footprint for the main court, two practice courts, and fitness center in the front along Sacandaga Road. To reduce the square footage, the Facilities Committee worked with district architects to move the fitness center to the side of the building and make efficient use of the main court and two practice courts. Please see the schematics below (imagine them with the bleachers collapsed).

    The proposed plan includes two full-size practice courts that will be side-by-side and a regulation court with safe run-out space. This design will double our capacity for practices while making the footprint as small as possible.

    20. How can I estimate what the impact will be on my school taxes?

    The district will finance the proposed 2023 Capital Project using capital reserve funds, NYS Aid, and local tax dollars.

    To estimate your tax impact, divide your Taxable Value by 1,000 then multiply by the rate for your municipality (see the table below).

    How Do I Find the Taxable Value of My Home?

    It is important to note that the Taxable Value of your home is different from a “Zestimate” that you might find on Zillow. It is also different from Full Market Value. It is typically lower.

    To find the Taxable Value of your home, “search your tax” bill by using the Quick Link on the homepage of the Galway CSD website. In case the form doesn’t populate, the district code is 212.

    Once you access your tax bill, look under the “Property Information” section. There you will see the Full Market Value, Assessed Value, and Taxable Value, which takes into consideration the equalization rate of the municipality in which you live.

    Example of a school tax bill:

    Example of School Tax Bill

    For assistance, please click the following link to a Google Spreadsheet that you can personalize with your Taxable Value and municipality: Tax Impact Estimator

    In the example above, the tax impact for the home in Galway for Proposition 1 would be $22.65/month, and Proposition 2 would be $3.23/month.

    Tax Impact

    Municipality Proposition #1 Proposition #2
    Rate per $1,000 taxable value Rate per $1,000 taxable value
    Amsterdam $16.43 $2.34
    Broadalbin $2.07 $0.30
    Charlton $2.09 $0.30
    Galway $1.46 $0.21
    Glenville $1.75 $0.25
    Milton $1.72 $0.25
    Perth $3.19 $0.45
    Providence $1.70 $0.24


    *These tax rates are for the proposed capital project only and do not include current taxes.
    *These tax rates are estimates based on State Aid approval assumptions and current interest rates.

  • 2021 Project

    At its March 29, 2021 Board of Education meeting, the Galway CSD Board passed a resolution to put forth a Capital Improvement Project for voter consideration. The proposed Capital Project will address items in the 2020 Building Condition Survey (BCS) that districts are required to complete every five years. District architects, CSArch, categorized all of the recommendations in the BCS as an immediate need and called for them to be addressed in Year 1.

    “Although we recently completed a capital improvement project that touched nearly every corner of the school, there are items that are urgently needed at the Bus Garage,” said Superintendent Brita Donovan.

    “Our most recent annual inspection from the Department of Environmental Conservation found 29 violations due in large part to aging underground fuel tanks and fueling island,” said Galway Business Administrator Jacqlene McAllister, who added, “we can’t get insurance on the underground tanks right now because they are over 20 years old.”

    The $3.1 million Capital Improvement Project will include:

    • Replace underground gas and diesel tanks at bus garage (installed in 2000) with above ground storage tanks
    • Replace fuel dispensing system at bus garage (installed in 2000) with a modern system that will help with fuel use and efficiency
    • Replace underground fuel oil heating tanks at bus garage (installed in 2000) with above ground storage tanks
    • Remediate soil as necessary
    • Replace two vehicle lifts at bus garage
    • Repair concrete floors in service bays and provide epoxy floor in service bays and parts room
    • Reconstruct pavement with heavy duty asphalt at various locations
    • Replace the oil/water separator that is too small and not functioning well

    These improvements will assist Galway’s excellent Mechanics Scott Holbrook and Denis Ryder in their efforts to keep our fleet, drivers, and students safe. To put into perspective what Mr. Holbrook and Mr. Ryder accomplish using aging and cumbersome lifts – each year the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) conducts at least two safety inspections on every school bus in each school's fleet. DOT tracks the results of these inspections, and at the conclusion of each year, they publish a carrier profile for each carrier. Galway Central School is rated as Preferred Carrier. Last year, our fleet of 36 units scored 100% on 77 out of 78 inspections this past year. We ended the year with a 98.72% pass rate for our fleet’s DOT inspections.

    Getting students to school safely takes commitment and effort from many professionals. At the foundation of it all is having a fleet of safe buses and a safe facility in which to work on them.

    To maximize State Aid on the proposed Capital Project, the district has to allot a certain percentage of the project to interior work in the school. The proposed 2021 Capital Project will contain minor renovations to the following areas that were not touched in the 2016 Capital Project including:

    • Restrooms near the auditorium
    • Restrooms near offices
    • Flooring near the entrance to the auditorium and gymnasium

    The project will also:

    • Replace an underground fuel tank in front of the Junior/Senior High School (installed in 1988)
    • Replace the pavilion at the track that collapsed in the winter of 2020. The pavilion will be the same size, but it may shift location because plans call for the addition of two separate restrooms with three toilets and three sinks in each. The pavilion may also include a sink and storage for future concessions, along with a custodial closet.
    • Replace the storage shed near the track with a larger building that can accommodate storage for athletic equipment


    The full project cost will be $3.1 million. The district will utilize $100,000 from the Capital Reserve, which results in $3 million bonded over 15 years. For aidable expenses, New York State Building Aid will reimburse 78.7% of the proposed Capital Improvement Project. After subtracting retiring debt and funds from the Capital Reserve, along with NYS Building Aid, the net local share will be approximately $65,000/year. For example, this will result in a 0.28% increase, which is equivalent to $8.48 annually on a home assessed at $100,000 in the Town of Galway.

    Timetable if the proposed Capital Improvement Project is Approved

    Design and Construction Documents – Fall 2021

    Approval by the NYS Education Department – Winter 2021-22

    Bidding Process – Winter 2022

    Construction – Spring/Summer 2022

    Residents of the Galway Central School District will have a chance to learn more about the proposed Capital Improvement Project during the following information sessions:

    Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Virtual

    Please click here to see the presentation.

  • 2016 Project

    The 2016 Capital Project is officially complete! Thank you for your support, patience, and cooperation as we made our school district healthier, safer, and more energy efficient.

    Capital Project Update January 2020

    Capital Project Update August 2019

    Capital Project Update July 2019

    Capital Project Update June 2019

    Presentation to Board of Education June 2019

    Capital Project Update June 2019

    Capital Project Update April 2019

    Capital Project Update March 2019

    Capital Project Update February 2019

    Capital Project Update January 2019

    Capital Project Update December 2018

    Capital Project Update November 2018

    Capital Project Update October 2018

    Capital Project Update September 2018

    Capital Project Update August 2018

    Capital Project Update July 2018

    Capital Project Update June 28, 2018

    Capital Project Update June 19, 2018

    Capital Project Update June 8, 2018

    Capital Project Update May 25, 2018

    Capital Project Update May 9, 2018

    Capital Project Update May 1, 2018

    At its March 24, 2016 Board of Education meeting, the Board passed a resolution to vote on a Capital Improvement Project for Galway Central Schools. Residents of the Galway Central School District will vote on the project on May 17, 2016.

    The project will address the following categories:

    • Health, Safety, Accessibility
    • Infrastructure
    • Energy saving measures
    • Community Stakeholder Input

    Click here to view pictures of GCSD buildings and grounds we hope to improve

    “We had nice turnouts at our three Community Forums on October 1, November 3, and December 2,” said Superintendent Shine. “We heard some good suggestions for improving educational space, allocating areas for storage, and fixing infrastructure.”

    Please see the attached files below to view the presentation from each community forum and minutes that reflect the questions and concerns that were brought up.

    The information gathered from the community forums was shared with the Facilities Committee and the district’s architect and design firm, CSArch. This working group has been meeting every two weeks to discuss infrastructure and safety items that need attention.

    “Our goal is to take care of what we have,” said Superintendent Shannon Shine. “Part of being fiscally responsible means taking care of the school buildings so that regular maintenance items don’t become costly problems down the road. We are also mindful of the future, so we are seeking more information than is probably necessary so we can present well-researched options to the Board.”

    At the January 19, 2016 Facilities Committee meeting, CSArch presented a “wish list” of infrastructure and safety items along with rough cost estimates for the work. The Facilities Committee went through the proposal line-by-line to discuss the merits of each item as compared to its cost, ask questions, and begin the process of determining which items to keep and which ones to leave off.

    The majority of items on the list attend to infrastructure needs of the facility, such as plumbing, flooring, roofing, air handling units, and fixtures. A smaller portion relates to athletics and the arts, while another segment addresses the safety of the bus loop on the Elementary side of the building.

    “Reconstruction of the Elementary bus loop is a pivotal piece, because it will have to be done in conjunction with a couple of other items on the list,” said Galway School Business Official Tim Hilker.

    Some items that were suggested at the community forums have been incorporated into the list, such as chemical storage in the science wing, replacement of the vacuum system in the wood shop, and irrigation of the athletic fields.

    “We looked into every suggestion we received from the community forums, but when the architects came back to us with pricing, we found that implementing some of the ideas would be cost-prohibitive,” said Hilker. “The soccer field was going to be $1 million, so we took that off. Track lighting was going to be half a million dollars, and we couldn’t justify that. We also looked at a restroom facility at the softball field, which would have been $300,000, so we removed that too.”

    The Facilities Committee originally planned to present a summary of the potential capital project to the Board of Education at its January 21st Board of Education meeting, but the group felt they needed more information before addressing the Board. They asked the architects to:

    1. Research and make recommendations about replacing or repairing some or all of the boilers and associated plumbing
    2. Research options to resurface the track in the most cost-effective and long-lasting way
    3. Research whether or not the underground steel fuel tank needs to be removed and replaced
    4. Provide a scope of work to be done on the roof, along with a reasonable estimate, knowing that thermal testing will ultimately be done prior to any work commencing
    5. Summarize the components of the potential capital project and identify the percentage of the budget that is allocated to each category (i.e. infrastructure, safely, athletics, arts, etc.)

    The Facilities Committee provided the Board of Education with a summary at its February 11th Board work session. Please see two files from that meeting under “Related Files” below.

    The Board of Education heard a formal presentation about the potential capital improvement project at its February 25, 2016 Board of Education meeting. Please see the presentation given by CSArch and the district’s construction management firm, Turner Construction Management, below under “Related Files.”

    Residents had two additional opportunities to learn about the items included in the potential capital improvement prior to the Board resolution to vote on March 24, 2016. Residents were encouraged to attend presentations on March 1 and March 8, 2016 in the High School Auditorium.

    First Community Forum Presentation • 10.1.15

    First Community Forum Minutes • 10.1.15

    Second Community Forum Presentation • 11.3.15

    Second Community Forum Minutes • 11.3.15

    Third Community Forum Presentation • 12.2.15

    Third Community Forum Minutes 12.2.15

    BOE Update • 2.11.16

    2016-17 Budget Forecast Presentation • 2.11.16

    Public Information Presentation 2.25_3.1_3.8